Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Treasure loop trail (#56)

Time flies when you're healing. Just kidding. That was the longest four days of my life! X-rays confirmed it was just a sprain and the doctor said I could return to normal activities so long as it didn't hurt! Well, my return has been strong! 💪 
I have gotten a new job that works with my nanny schedule! Yay! Front desk reception for a hair salon and I've only worked two days and I already love it to pieces! 
I have been as active as my ankle/foot has let me and friends, let me tell you, it has let me! If you have ever visited metro/east valley Arizona you have either heard of, been to or seen the lovely Superstition Mountains, home to Lost Dutchmans park! So my friend of eight years and I decided to conquer trail number 56! Yep. My post title. Hehe. 
Aren't we darling? But look at those mountains!!!! 

 Of course, Maxx joined us! He loves hiking more than anything a dog can love. 

These dang mountains are breathtaking! Anyway, I've decided that my journey has set aside a path for me that allows me to take these adventures as often as can be. It turns out, that's once a week! I'm so happy with that little revelation! 

On a different yet still related note, I promised y'all yoga. Now, keep in mind I don't know all the poses or even half of them, I don't know know all the names and even all the history! There is SOO much I don't know about yoga and I'm not here to teach you what I don't know. In fact, you will probably teach me more than I have to offer. I'm here because my yoga journey has pushed me to be. Well, that and I love writing and can't seem to find myself writing about anything but yoga. 
This journey has been hard for me because it's so easy to get discouraged. It's so easy to spend five minutes on Pinterest or Instagram and realize that oh me, oh my, I can't even almost do that! That used to scare me so much more than I would admit, failing at this art I was falling in love with. Well, then something wonderful happened. I came across miss Adriene from yoga with Adriene. Not only was she Texan, but she was inspiring! I instantly dove into her videos and loved her "do what feels good," attitude. It's so gosh dang yoga. Feel free to argue that with me but in my journey, short as it might yet be, I've learned that doing what feels good is absolutely essential in everything I do every day! 
And with that discovery, my life has been the greatest adventure. 
I have the biggest problem with doing whatever I can for the people in my life even when I can't. Literally, cannot and should not. Yet, I do. I stretch myself thin to the point of tears and stress that no person with anxiety on my level should do to themselves, ever. But I do it. All the time. I have friends and family with children or that need help with this or that and it never mattered to me if I didn't have the money, time or means to do it, I was gonna do it no matter what. I would be late or stressed or frantic, but I was going to help. I could not say no. It was killing me. That's dramatic but it really was affecting my life, my relationships and my confidence negatively. 
So, doing what felt good was basically a new concept to me. Last summer, I started practicing that concept. That amazing, lovely and life changing concept. And you know what? I said no. I stood up for myself when my family member stood me up in the most awful way at 4am. I took that last straw and tossed it out the window on my way home that morning. I finally began saying no to people when I couldn't help them even if I wanted to say yes. I finally learned to accept help when I needed it. That was probably the most challenging for me, I hate being helped or feeling like I needed help(bless all my poor doctors hearts). People started thinking I didn't like them or I was angry or short tempered because I did stand up for myself so much more. I wasn't. I have been hardly angry unless I actually am angry but usually not when they thought I was. I've been happy. I've been confident. I've been able to breathe. 
I've felt good. 
It amazes me to know my journey has just begun.
Oh and if you ever doubt yourself on poses, give yourself time. I know that's cliche, but time really does fly when you're healing. :) 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Oh, the places you'll go!

Today, the day I'm supposed to begin sharing this wonderful journey with you, I have been presented(so soon!) with an obstacle! 
This afternoon I decided to go hiking on the Mormon trail to hidden valley in south mountain in Phoenix! Well, my descend into hidden valley resulted in a fall that pained my ankle to the point of immediate tears! Of course, being about four miles into this trail I panicked and instead of calling for help, I decided to brave through all the way back! It got dark and cold fast but my pup Maxx lead the way valiantly. I cried. The entire way. 
Anyway, it's hours later and all I can think is, "how soon before I can get out there again?!? Oh yoga! How will I do yoga?!?" 
Well, I'm not a doctor so I don't know if it's a sprain or not so unfortunately, until I know what I can and cannot do, I cannot attempt to get on my Mat tonight. 
In the meantime, before my fall I had a pretty good hike going and found a fantastic yoga rock!

I will also use this time to let you all in on a little background on my yoga journey! It officially began almost a year ago! It will be a year in February. I fell in so much love! Then of course, I got sick and then time happened and then a summer romance of yoga and running took over. 
What a great summer it was! 
So, my journey began a year ago and I'm only beginning to share it with you now because I was missing out on soooo much more about yoga. The mudras, the meditation, the history and the lifestyle! 
I can't wait to soak it all up and I hope y'all are just as excited as I am for this! 
So until next time, namaste!